Monday, November 18, 2013

And that's what it's all about!

Hello internet! It's me, Hannah.

I have my misgivings about blogs in general and the infinite amount of information that can be clicked through mindlessly on the internet. But guess what? I'm starting this blog anyhow!

You wanna know why?
I'm a bit itchy to have a quantifiable way to gather my thoughts and the progress I'm making in understanding the ins and outs of the field I work in (and possibly the billion other things I think about). Although it would be nice to have outside perspective, I think this blog is mostly for myself. The mere thought of it being somewhat public, even if no one ever reads it, will help me stay accountable to doing quality research and putting my thoughts into real words and sentences that I could otherwise escape doing. Thank you internet.

Also, as I research and synthesize thoughts about work and what I'm learning regarding disability services and rights in general, and specifically within regards to employment, I'd like to hopefully create a resource for others who might be new-ish to these issues to be able to have a go-to guide to understanding, in general, the issues of the day, why they are important and what the history of these issues are. I've had to do a lot of piecing together of many different things to get a fuller picture of what's going on currently so I might as well share that piecing.

I kind of miss writing papers, having the satisfaction of turning in something typed and finished. This is my way of going back to school without paying any money, except for on coffee so I can sit here and write. I'd love suggestions of topics to cover or would be interested in collaborating where our respective interests intersect. Also I don't have to worry about grades.

Topics I plan on writing about
Primarily, my aim is to write about my current field of work - Disability and Employment.

I'm glad to be working in a field that is rapidly changing, there have been tremendous changes in the way that our society has chosen to interact and include individuals who experience disability in the last few decades and I know that more changes are coming.

Specifically, I intend to write on:
A general history of how our societies perception of disability has changed over the years from institutionalization to supported employment
The Employment First Initiative
"Community Inclusion"
Sub-Minimum Wage, the debate for and against
Resource guides for connecting to services, there are a lot of things available to people with disabilities and adaptive equipment that might be unknown
Technology and learning with a disability
Ideas I find particularly inspiring!
...and much much more. As I delve into these things, I can only imagine that there will be much more to sift through.

SO! Thanks for joining my on my adventure for knowledge! If you choose to read along, I hope you learn something new and pose a question or a thought now and then.
